Tuesday, May 1, 2007

JeongAe's Journal

This space is for JeongAe to post her learning experiences of her teacher training.

Please feel comfortable to give her feedback.


Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May 2. Wednesday

I was really busy today. There were two classes for student teacher. I had participated on three classes.

First class was reading class, second was writing class. Everyone used just English in class.

In reading class, which I was very impressed, teacher was a leader not a teacher. When teacher said ‘memorizing’, then every students said contents in book. But it was not a pressure, they seemed like really enjoy that.

jihye said...

Wow, Jeong-ae! I'm sorry to hear that you have a tough time. But I really envy you having very special experiences! I'm sure you'll make it. And,, is there any male student interested in you? Anyways, good luck, student-teacher!

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

Today I could participated in 5 classes. Cheomdan middle school has 7 of English teachers. And today I could see the way 5 teachers teach English.

Then a meeting was held by English teachers. The main point of this meeting was 'To share every idea'.
Each teacher has their own idea.
I felt that it is very important process to student.

P.S Hi Jihye! :) Thank you for your concern. Yeah, It is a little bit hard. But as you said, It will be a very special experience for me, I blieve. Students are so cute. :) Some guys are very shy.
Sometimes they threw joke to me. But it's ok!

Jeong Ae CHOI said...
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Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May 4. Friday

I'm very tired after I participated in 4 classes. (Even though I did just see that.)
Since my teacher had some work, I taught one class. Some of member were very noise. I'm kind of worried my real class.

Next week I have to teach students of 9 classes.

Anyway tomorrow is saturday!

missing you, Jeong-ae

jihye said...

Joengae! I'm very excited to hear that you'll teach students from the following week! I think teaching someone is very interesting. Do you get nervous when you talk to teach your students? I'm very curious about your internship days! Good luck, again!

wanna be a jobs said...

haha Jeong ae
I haven't seen you since last week.
I am missing you and surely all classmates will miss you.
How about your life in the school?
Have you been still combatting with your students? Please treat them with affection and charity. haha^^ Just Kidding!

Hopefully, take care and good luck:>

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

I'm very sorry for being late.
I moved in another home, and meanwhile I could not access internet. There is no computer in my room of middle school.

May, 7
I participated in native teacher's class. The topic was expression of 'sickness'. Then we saw 'Mr., been' (bin? been? I don't know exactly) It was also related to this class.

And my teacher gave me and another English Work. It is very big event.
I’m very tired of this because it is very hard work.

I'll tell about this one for Tuesday’s journal.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

To jihye, and 'wanner be jobs?'.

At first, I taught that even though I'll be very lazy, it will be OK. And I taught the practicum will be very interesting. But, I don't think that now.

It is very busy and tired work. Every teacher has a lot of work. They have to work even if it is time for lunch. They could be catch a cold, but they have to teach students. If they won’t work, it is very hard for other teacher. They have to always make a plan for students.

After students leave the school, teachers have to hold a small meeting for next day. Commonly work time for teacher is just from 9 to 5, but most of teacher work a.m 7 to p.m 7. It is very hard.
And I have to assistance for them. I work 7 to 5. And I have work, too. I think now that teacher is very hard job..

Jeong Ae CHOI said...
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Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May 8.

Now I have three big works.

First is about using English in the school. Now a day Cheomdan middle school has an aim, so call using English in school. And teachers make program for living English. Teachers have to make a good idea, and I have to throw minimum 30 ideas. For example, in special situation such as make a reservation in hotel, for cancel the reservation in restaurant. When I finish one thing, I’ll show you. I think it is relates to our company. Have you good idea? Help me!

Second thing is international class. My teacher is one of researcher for Gwanju educational government. So she has a plan that our classes take the class with other country’s class such as Denmark, Canada and some country of Europe. And we have to make a homepage for this project, and make a program just for this kind of class. She wants me to give great ideas. But it is very difficult to me. : (

Third thing will be continue in tomorrow, because I’m very tired. And tomorrow is mid-term for students, so I have time for think about that, and now I hate think that any more,

Good night everyone.
I really miss you, guys.

Yours, Jeong Ae.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May, 10

As I wrote yesterday, today was mid-term exam. In the morning I was a supervisor an exam for one class. I taught that it was very boring. I couldn’t do anything during test time.

I prepare my final class which I have to teach students in front of many people such as another student- teacher, teachers, principle, and professor.
It is my final test in practicum. Next week I can teach 10 classes, and I’m a little bit nervous about that. I have several experiences teaching someone, of course. But it will be different, I think.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May 10

Today was a day just for 'research'. Since I have to make a good paper, which has very good form, I have to see other papers. I think it is very bad for our teacher or our authority. Even though someone has a great Idea, when it is not written follow the regular form, it can not be use. Each position is there not because their form but because their idea. I don’t think it is good for our education.

Anyway I have to make a document follow good form tomorrow. And tomorrow, it TGIF!
I love Friday since I have been work for my practicum!

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May,11. Friday

Today was last mid-term day. I make a class diary for my class.
It is one of project for students to use English in this middle school.

I'll teach one class on monday.
So I and another student-teacher prepare to class.
That is reading part of text. I'll teach twice time for the reading part. In this weekend I'll perpare to these class.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...
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Jeong Ae CHOI said...
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Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May 14, Mon.

Today was terrible day to me.
I was very, very tired.
Eventually I taught one class and for this I had to make a lot of document.

In terms of First Class, I don’t know what I can say.
But students’ reaction was very unfriendly.
Nobody say answer to my question. Just one or two was smile at me.
Instead of having a fun time, they just stare at me without a conversation.

My teacher said that it is just first class so I don’t have to be depressed.
But I was in confusion.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May 15.

Today was teacher's day.
So there is no class for today.
Instead of go to school, I made a 'Teaching-learning Plan', one paper named 'Qualification of good teacher'.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May, 16 Thur

I taught in 4 classes today. I think, eventually, students feel better with me in class. Thanks to students, I feel better than before, too. But my whole day was planned about prepare to class, teach the class, review the class. I’m sort of tired of it. My teacher said that Teaching English here in Korea is very difficult. People want to so many things to teachers.

The content of this lesson is about sickness, and give advice for people who has a cold.
It is different that what teachers should teach between high school and middle school. In high school, the point of English education is just ‘Korean SAT which call SU-NEUNG’. On the other hand, in middle school teachers have to point in Activity.

Anyway period of practicum is going to run ending. I’m very happy.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May, 17

I got an earful from the boss.
She said that I prepare nothing for the last class, which should show many people such as principle, professor and other teachers.
I'm deeply dressed. But I could realize that I have to make a special material. Now I make some material for the last class, on Saturday.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May. 18

Teach classes
See classes which another teacher’s
Meeting with my boss
Make many documents
Control and care students every time

I don’t know why teacher have to do that.
Poor teachers have a lot of thing which they must do.

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May 19, Sat

I don’t know why my boss gives me just rebuke. I don’t have any ability needed teacher? Then, does she think that I’m overqualified as teacher? I think that I did my best for her and me. And there is no reason that I have to get her rebuke everyday.

She gave me a lot of work. And she seems like always angry with me. I don’t know. I had to throw my work of my university’s class for this practicum even though I don’t want to do. What am I support to do?

Koreamaria said...

Sorry I have been so slow to chime in.

Wow! You sound so overworked. Are you OK? 7am to 7pm – Eek! That’s not a healthy balance; no wonder so many teachers get sick. I always wonder – is it better to work hard (by putting in so many hours) or work smart (work when you have lots of clarify and are highly productive in a short time). What do you think? Also, I wrote an article in Gwangju News about international people working in hagwons. One of the biggest cultural differences are attitudes towards working when ill.

I'm a little confused about your work; you seem to being talking about doing a lot of work, but you are not sharing a lot of details. Could you explain a little more to me? Thanks so much.

What project did you have to work on for the NEST (native English speaking teacher). And watching Mr Been! I have trouble understanding that show! But when I do “get it” it is so funny.

Also, the things you are sharing are unclear. When you talk about research, I think you are talking about how it is stymied sometimes because of the bureaucratic form-filling that takes precedent over the research goals. Is that it?

Could you describe the “class diary” just a little? What is the aim of the lesson? What materials are you using?

JeongAe is sounds like you are having some difficulty creating materials and activities for your classes. And it sounds like the teacher you are working with is demanding and unsupportive. Stop by my office. I have some great activity books to share with you. I even have some of the materials already prepared. I know you only have another week after this but hopefully that will help some.

Personality issues in the work place are tough to navigate. It seems that your teacher is taking out a lot of her/his aggression on you. Perhaps s/he has too much pressure on her. Also, being a good teacher is one set of skills. Being a good mentor, manager, leader, or supervisor is another set of skills. Perhaps your teacher feels threatened by work environment stress or is overworked and just doing to you what is being done to him/her. No excuses for that, but tried to understand things from her/his point of view.

You might be too curious about things that are sensitive – to the teacher or the school. You are open to learning and very outgoing in your question asking. This works well in my class where we have a more “American-style” approach. In our English class, asking questions is rewarded. Think back to your Korean education before Chonnam. Weren’t student sometimes reprimanded for asking too many questions? Your current school might be more conservative in behavior than their progressive talk of “teaching everything in English.” You are in the middle of a cultural change in the education system. Schools want a more western curriculum, but don’t emphasize the questioning method that goes with it. Your supervisors, principals and teachers are probably more focused on order and respect (Confucian value system) than on learning and growth (Constructivist learning theory.)

Hang in there. Do you have my cell? 010-3144-0562. Let’s make an appointment for you to pick up some materials. You don’t seem to have a peer support team that is helping you in your process. Check MiAe’s posts from the other class. She is having some difficulties as well.

Looking forward to your last installment!

You are doing great. Thanks for sharing.
Prof Lisak

jihye said...

Jeongae! I'm sorry not to check out your daily report! You have just 1 week left there and come back to our class~ You might have a lot to do and feel stressful. We are also taking a step to run our company succefully, but it's not that easy. Anyways, we are waiting for you coming!

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

To. Jihye

Thank you for your concern.
And I hope that I come back to our class.

This week is sport's week to cheomdan middle scool. So It's not hard : )

See U next week,
Take care!

Jeong Ae

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May. 24

As I wrote, this week is sport's week to cheomdan middle school.

It is very specially, I think.
Because almost middle and high schools in Korea are ignore the sport's day or sport’s event.
But all instructors of this middle school think that extra class is also important to students. I think so, and I am enjoying with my students. :)

Jeong Ae CHOI said...

May. 25

Eventually, my practicum is finished. It seemed like not finish.
I’m very happy even thought I have a lot of thing for my final-exam.
I bought out one document named ‘English teaching-learning plan’.

Every farewell was very hard to me, and this time is not an exception.
Many students asked me that I want to become a teacher, when I become a teacher, what do I do after the practicum.
I answer that I don’t decide yet.
I’m very happy now. I think that I claimed and come back very High Mountain.
It was not easy that become a teacher. Anyway since Monday, I’ll be back as a student in a University. I can study what I want to.

And I believe that my experience as a student-teacher is very good for our company, too.

I miss you, thank you for your reading
See you on Monday.

Kim Jeongsun said...

Hi Jeong ae. I am so sorry that i haven't seen your diary till you finished your teaching life in Chomdan middle shool.

First, welcome to the class back. I see you have a lot of work
good job!
Teaching is the best way to improve oneself but it is hard work at the same time.

Thanks for the writings even though you might not have enough time for this. Your writing was very interesting and exciting but if you added more ditails about what you are doing that would much help me to understand your job.

But i appreciate your effort.
See you tomorrow i hope we are able to hear good stories about your expericence.