Saturday, March 31, 2007

Business Models - Multilevel Marketing

Multilevel marketing:

Lee Hwal & Lee Mi Ae:
Please post your 50 word summary here.


miae said...

You can get a profit by choosing a business model called licensing the product. It needs lower risk and lower cost. It is to sell not the product but the product idea to infrastructure. And in multi-level marketing, you earn money by selling product to people who below you. But you shoud be careful, if you want to involve your friends in this marketing.

hwal said...

Selling the product idea known as licensing the product contains lower risk and lost. But it take a long time and the reward will be flexible based on sales. MLM is to sell stuffs from upper people to lower in the certain structure. If you are a starter, it would be risky in your credibility and money. But as you step up higher, you can make more money.

Koreamaria said...

Miae & Hwal:
You summarized the wrong business models. The blog entry was for Mulitlevel Marketing, not Licensing the Product. Just because the url goes to the page with both of those models, I wanted you to summarize multilevel marketing only. You should have scanned for the correct info and then summarized it.

The use of second person here makes the summary too informal. Watch your mistakes - missing verbs and sentence fragments.

Watch your typing - spelling errors or typos? Either way, send it through spellcheck before posting. Your sentence with "But . . ." is a fragment. How can you combine sentences using more complex grammar? "Stuffs" isn't a word. Watch your use of prepositions.
